Monday 31 December 2012

Highlighting experiment with Golds

Highlighting experiment - Complete

I decided to try three colours of gold to layer for the Watch Commander's backpack, shoulder pad and sword.

A base colour followed by a layer of highlight and then finished with a dry brush.
The base and the highlight were more copper than gold I have to say, however the final drybrushing brought the right colour in the end. I quite like the redness of the copper coming through.

I'm quite happy with the results to be honest. Let me know what you think!

Base colouring nearly done

Well today I've nearly finished the base colouring on the weapons, armour and details. Still trying to work out the best way to highlight the armour... I think the dark grey - light grey might be the best way forward.

Still need to work on:

The Watch Commander's cape, haven't decided on a colour yet...
Purity Seals
Weapon slings
Drill out bolter barrels

Sunday 30 December 2012

Step 2 - Priming & base colouring

Finished priming, just starting the base coats for the silver arms and shoulder pads... starting to look Deathwatchy now!

Next will be adding the highlights to the armour, that's where the experimentation begins. I'm thinking a very dark grey for highlight one then a lighter grey for fine highlighting.

Step 1 - Assembly

Here's a few photos of the assembly process. Next step will be priming, pre-shading and base colouring.


Hi everyone!

On the suggestion Ben from GW Epsom I thought I'd create this blog to follow my Warhammer 40k Deathwatch project.

Basically I wanted to get back into the hobby but wanted to do something different rather than expanding my Grey Knights force or creating just another Space Marine army... so I decided to follow up from a Kill-Team I had created a while back as a one off and make an entire Deathwatch army.

Why stick to just the odd kill-team in a Space Marine army when you could have an entire Deathwatch Watch Fortress! So I decided to create a display piece of a Deathwatch Watch Fortress being defended against an assault (not sure from who yet...possibly Necron). I quite like wintery scenes so a Watch Fortress hidden on an snowy ice world sounded like a perfect setting.

I'm starting with a 10-man Tac Squad, a Commander and a Terminator Squad just to work out how I'm going to handle the shading etc for black armour. I'm also experimenting with Deathwatch Snipers, both scouts and power armour marines...

Anyway, off to start work now, quite excited to set started!

Anyone who has any spare Deathwatch bits: shoulder pads, bolters etc donations would be greatly appreciated or if you have more than a few bits I'll happily pay a reasonable amount for them. Likewise any spare Space Marine bits like power swords, pistols, heavy weapons or techmarine arms etc I would be very interested.